Make, Jane, make!: Reversible Superhero Cape How-to

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reversible Superhero Cape How-to

I made some reversible superhero capes for my son's superhero-themed birthday party and let the kids decorate them with some iron-on felt letters and shapes. They turned out really cute and the kids loved them. Here are the capes that I made for my sons... these have the emblems sewn on so that they'll tolerate multiple (multiple) washes.

DIY superman cape

I know tutorials for superhero capes are available ad nauseum, but I took some pictures as I was sewing so [crazy, overtired mommy in her threatening tone] now you get to see them.

Now, to map out where the straps will go.

Now comes the fun - Superhero time! My kids wanted Batman and Robin.

And for the reverse side of the capes, I did their initials. Luckily, I have a son whose name begins with an "S", so that we could have a Superman cape as well.

Start by sewing the bottom layer of your emblem on first and then keep layering. Alternately, you could use Heat n' Bond or something similar (which is what we did for my son's birthday party take-home craft).

Remember to use coordinating thread colours if you have them!

Did I cut those loose threads on the back side of the cape? No! Because no one will be able to see them... Laziness at its best :)

If you have no idea what I mean by clipping or notching curves, here is a super great picture tutorial with explanation from Make It and Love it.

Okay, you may leave now.


  1. what type.of fabric did you use?

    1. Hi magurita,
      I used broad cloth for the capes (because it's inexpensive) and felt for the symbols/emblems. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Hi - Love the cape and your tutorial - thanks for providing! Just curious - how wide is the cape across the bottom? And measurement how long the cape is from top to bottom? I'm making several as a gift for three year olds so am not able to measure the kids. :) Thanks! Kelly
