Make, Jane, make!: Landscaping 2012

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Landscaping 2012

When we bought our house back in 2005, we knew there would be a lot of work involved with the yard. Little did we know that seven years later, our landscaping would still be a work in progress.

Here's a shot of one side of our backyard with the dragon's claw Jap maple in the foreground and my husband's latest accomplishments in the background. (I'm glad that we did some essential planting when we first moved in, so that we do have trees that are starting to look mature and provide shade.)

I have to thank DH for the three beautiful raised beds that house my vegetable and herb gardens. They've been such a blessing because, even though they still require a lot of weeding and tilling, they are infinitely easier to care for than simple, dug-out-of-the-ground vegetable gardens.

Take a closer look at the rocky edging... Hubby and one of our friends moved all that drainage rock in one afternoon. I was in awe at their perseverance and endurance and more than a little worried that I would be tending to an injured husband or friend afterward.

Here's the other side of our backyard. In the background, you can see that a border garden is in the works. We transplanted some very overgrown plants from a couple very overcrowded gardens to much more spacious digs.

In the foreground is a bleeding heart (almost in bloom!) and a yucca that I think will be transplanted to the front entrance containers - after reading some horror stories on the internet about how invasive they can be :(

The crazy thing is that even though we'll hopefully have all the building and planning work done in the next couple of years... the maintenance alone will keep us busy every year afterward. This year we had five yards of dirt and four yards mulch dropped off and it actually may not be enough!

And as if we needed more work to keep us busy, this is the scene in our front yard presently - someone (probably a family of racoons) is busy digging up our grass. Didn't they get the memo that our work queue is completely full?

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