Make, Jane, make!: Around the Yard 2012, Part 3

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Around the Yard 2012, Part 3

Can't help taking pictures of the gardens... makes all the work seem a bit more worthwhile.

I just caught the end of the iris blooms. The wet weather lately has been great for our yard and gardens, but has unfortunately confined me to viewing the colours from indoors. Today was the first day that the lawn seemed dry enough to set the baby on while I did some quick garden clean-up and snapped some photos.

The pale pink peonies are still awaiting their turn in the sun. I love this pale pink one, partly because of its delicate colour and partly because they are a division of the ones that my father has been growing since I was a little girl.

These darker pink peonies are a plant that I bought and planted when we first moved into our home. It's our seventh year in the house now and the peony blooms are large and bountiful. All too soon though these gorgeous petals and their heavy scent will be gone and my garden will belong to the lilies and heucheras and sedums that are hiding in the background.

My annuals garden is starting to fill out. Of course, in addition to the flowers I also have grass and weeds growing rampantly in the well fertilized soil. Lessons learnt: (1) Do not buy triple mix from flyers left in your mailbox. They are usually just carting you someone else's junk dirt that's been mixed with the barest almost of compost. And (2) never use old hay bales from Hallowe'en as mulch. The grass and weed seeds that were in the hay will keep me kicking myself in the butt for years to come.

There are some bare spots where I've planted nasturtiums (just sprouting) and some 70% off gladioli bulbs (not sure if they'll sprout). Who can resist a deal like that though? Stay tuned... more pictures to come as the garden transitions to summer blooms... And next time - our resident rabbit finds another way to annoy me.

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