Make, Jane, make!: Holiday Sewing - A New Hat

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Holiday Sewing - A New Hat

Oh boy, do I ever have an ambitious holiday sewing list this year! I know I probably won't get most of it done, but a girl can imagine, right? And what better place to start than with my fleece scraps accumulated from making various Canadian-climate, Halloween costume ensembles. (And yes, in the near future I'll finish up the posts from Halloween with a how-to for the Cheshire Cat costume ;)

I was planning to reduce my fleece stash by making a whole bunch of mittens and hats for our school's hat and mitten drive, but before I tackled that task, I had one project that needed desperately to be done. My son needed a new winter hat.

Now normally I do not care at all that much about myself or the kids having perfectly coordinated outfits. In fact, we're having a good day if everyone has matching socks, a seasonally-appropriate shirt, and their own underwear on. But even I just couldn't reconcile Sebastien's nice, new, bright blue snowsuit with his dull, old, muted green camo hat.

Here's a really outdated pic of his previous hat coordinating well enough with a previous jacket. (He's on the right).

Here's a pic of the new suit and hat together:

So wrong! Even my design-challenged sensibilities could not allow that fashion fail to continue.

Luckily, Lier at ikatbag has a wonderful tutorial for making beautifully fitted and finished hats for all looks and shapes. Thank you, Lier! Check it out here. She has so many good tutorials.... [dreamy sigh]... she's my sewing/crafting idol....

Anyway, the hat came together super easily and is really well constructed. It was lightning fast to sew as well. I was actually able to finish cutting and sewing it during a single homework session with the kids... and that's including the whining, pleading, and bargaining that comes with doing Chinese school homework.

The true test was whether or not it would meet with the approval of my son and of course, whether or not it would make him the fashion plate of the kindergarten yard lol!

Not sure if he's setting trends with the under-six set, but I do know that he loves his new blue hat.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! And the hat is cute, too ;)
    Am so glad the tutorial helped you, Jane! I need to make some hats for my kids, too. The ones in the tutorial are mostly all outgrown. Happy Christmas!
