Make, Jane, make!: Eggstatic about Easter Headband

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eggstatic about Easter Headband

It's a beautiful Easter weekend and I wanted to make something bright and sunny to cheer up my baby girl's outfits. So voila! The Eggstatic about Easter headband! My inspiration was this pretty pleated headband from Jess @ Craftiness is not Optional.

This was a super simple craft which is great because I didn't want to spend too much time making something that will get two or three wears at most before the weekend is over. First pick some coordinating felt (yea! using up felt scraps!) and cut out some eggs of various sizes. I find that pastel colours best convey the Easter egg feel.

I "decorated" my eggs for Easter. The large white eggs have a zig zag detail (ricrac would be great here, unfortunately I only had burgundy coloured ricrac and ruddy red ricrac just doesn't say Easter). The zig zags are cut from yellow felt using my pinking shears and sewn onto the white eggs.

The light blue eggs have a polkadot design that was made by using a screw punch randomly over the surface of the eggs. And the pink eggs have a simple heart cut out.

Originally I was going to sew the eggs to fabric tube and thread a wide elastic through the tube to form the headband. However, with all the see-through parts on my eggs, I found that I needed a headband with a bit of panache since it peeked through the eggs.

The only thing I had lying around the house that fit the bill was this hot pink ribbon. So I pinned and sewed the eggs to the ribbon and then attached a bit of elastic to the ribbon to complete the band. And here is my mini model in her Easter outfit:

Eggstatic about Easter Headband in action.
Are little girls ever anything but cute?

1 comment:

  1. Eggie Headband - Oh so perfect for lil' E. It's adorable!!! Girls are so fun to make into delicious 'cuteness'!!! Happy Easter.
