Make, Jane, make!: Felt Play Food: Fried Eggs


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Monday, January 16, 2012

Felt Play Food: Fried Eggs

Another fun play food that can be hand sewn - sunny-side-up  eggs! The kids love eating eggs in all their incarnations, but fried eggs are probably the most fun to play make believe with. You can stick them in one of those plastic eggs that various kids toys come in and have fun cracking the egg into the pan and frying it.

Another pretty straightforward craft - two pieces of white felt for the top and bottom of the egg and one small yellow circle for the yolk.

Sew the yolk onto the white, remembering to fill the stuff the yolk with a little batting to give it some dimension before sewing the final few stitches.

Then attach the bottom white piece to cover up all the stitches from the yolk. I used a blanket stitch on the edges of the whites because I thought it gave the edges that frilly look that fried eggs have.

And of course, what's eggs without bacon? These ones are basically pieces of felt glued together.

Funny how the kids recognised the bacon right away. Maybe we eat it too much at home? Nah, there can never be too much bacon :)

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